The Stepping Stone Program was created to connect the mortgagee’s credit with a qualifying loan program regardless of credit conditions and financial status. When approved, the mortgagee is aligned with a down payment closing cost assistance program that will offset the financial burden and requirements of the lending institutions.
REMC/AGI’s operates in a paradoxical manner by focusing and analyzing the housing needs of low-and-moderate-income communities. We then take the situational analysis and provide a comprehensive proven investment strategy to address those needs.
The philosophical premises is to learn from the mistakes of the past and to build our business on respect, honor, trust, integrity, and candor. We believe these are the attributes that are needed to succeed and to become the cornerstone of the homeowners’ legacy, “the old fashion way.”
Our goal is providing decent, affordable housing and improve the livability of the neighborhoods across the DMV and abroad by revitalizing deteriorating homes. We also restore and preserve natural and physical features of special value for historic, architectural, or aesthetic reasons, and conserve energy resources by using green products.
Simultaneously, it our intention to expand economic opportunity by creating jobs and make training accessible to low-and-very low-income persons residing in our target communities.